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God WILL Provide

            I’m sitting here on a firm hospital couch staring over at my wife.  She is passed out from the events that have taken place over the last 24 hours.  She has been in excruciating pain due to fluid on her hip.  Although the morphine has helped, it has left her with a migraine.  I honestly can’t imagine how people cope with grave illnesses to loved ones.  I can barely stand seeing Bri like this let alone having to fight cancer or some other extreme medical issue.
Through tears and frustration, my wife has continued to stay strong.  As a matter of fact, the only thing she has been concerned about is the medical bills that this hospital stay will cause on our finances.  It amazes me that through the pain, this is her only worry. 
Although this is not my main concern, I would be lying if I said I didn't dwell on them too.  Late last night prior to falling asleep by her side I was thinking through it all.  As I lay there, I began to think of how much we had in the bank; we have just paid off one of our other loans so it is a little lower than usual. 
I guess we could use our tax return.  But that money was meant to pay off more loans!  I began to get anxious.  My innocent attempt to figure out finances quickly turned into worry.  How are we going to pay for this all?  Insurance will cover only so much! 
About that time, a peace came over me.  It was God telling me to trust Him (per usual).  This peace helped alleviate the tension in felt to my bones.  So what if you have to use your tax return?  So what if it takes a little longer to pay off the loans while you are paying off the hospital?  The main concern is that Bri is taken care of.  That was my main concern all along.
It’s easy to try and ration and solve our problems in the midst of difficult times.  But God has called us to surrender these thoughts and feelings to Him.  God is the healer and the provider; Jehovah Jireh!  God is in control.

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” –Philippians 4:19


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