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Showing posts from December, 2015

Lord, Light the Fire Again

              I used to attend a bible study when I was in high school. I remember at the beginning of every study, we would begin with 20 to 30 minutes of worship with just one or two people playing a guitar. Back then (and currently to some extent), I was the kid that needed to be the center of attention. I remember going as far as making up hand motions to one of my favorite worship songs, “Light the Fire Again.” As soon as I did so, I lost sight of the true meaning of the words I was singing and made it more about myself. I’ll come back to this in a moment.                Fast forward about twelve years later to this past Sunday. I was sitting in a church service at my parents’ church listening to an amazing worship service then followed by a very refreshing sermon by a guest speaker. The pastor talked about the “Three Tents” of God that occurred in the bible. I will not atte...