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Showing posts from October, 2014

Stay in YOUR Lane

            I tend to find myself daydreaming often.  It is something that I have always done.  I blame it on my ADD at times but I know that deep down I just like to imagine the “what if.”  For instance, I’ll find myself hearing music on the radio and think, man I wish I could play the piano or guitar like that or even sing like that person.  Even watching TV or movies I think, “I could act out that part better than that guy” or “I could write a better sequel or season finale than that.”             This  doesn't  seem too harmful does it?  You’re right, it’s not that bad.  But these are small examples of me trying to compare myself to other people.  What if I take it a step further?  After thinking about it more, I found that I do tend to compare my life to others around me.  It could be a friend or family member.  I look at people in...

Judgey von Holierthanthou

Anyone close to me knows my love for the old TV show, Friends.  For the longest time and still in a few circles people refer to me as Chandler.  Anyways, there is this one scene in Friends where Ross is telling his student of a girlfriend his nicknames for kids in his class; Sleepy Sleeperson, Smelly von Brownshirt, and Cutie McPretty (yes it is a gift and a curse being able to remember that, it is my “special power” I guess.)  Then a colleague of Ross’s sees him from a distance and calls to him.  Ross, knowing that he shouldn’t be dating a student, pushes her into an alley.  Later on as he describes the events to his friends he describes the other professor as Judgey von Holierthanthou. Although that particular situation is not the focus of this post, I really like the name “Judgey von Holierthanthou.”  I feel that it sums up how many people feel about Christians in general.  And maybe it’s not just Christians; obviously we ALL can be pretty “judge...

Why can't I be more open/vulnerable with my wife?

I’ll be honest folks; over the years I never really paid attention to blogs that people would post on Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere.  I would just glance over it and read the next small snippet on my wall.  For that, I want to apologize for all those who blog.  It wasn't until recently that I found joy in writing in my spare time.  I never thought about blogging per say, but more short stories and things of that nature.  Then as I was reading a few blogs the other day, I decided that I would give it a try.  With the permission and encouragement I have received from my wife, I would like to use this forum to tell my story and a little bit of Bri’s as we navigate through our life. For my first post, I would like to focus on something God has been seriously convicting me of lately.  As most of you know, I am a pretty open book.  I normally tell people how I am feeling and what I am thinking for the most part.  I enjoy being liked and hate ...