I have realized lately how easy it is for me to get my ‘butt on my shoulders.’ The littlest things can irritate me anymore. Normally it deals with other people and their actions. For instance, if I see someone who is, in my mind, doing something I deem as inappropriate or for lack of a better term; stupid, then I tend to get pompous and preach on why they are wrong. Mind you, the person I am talking about is never around. To be honest, the only person who hears my unnecessary rants on the actions of others is either my wife or the pixeled image coming across my television screen. I find it so easy to point out the flaws in others and play a game of “if that were me I would have…” with myself. My wife, being the sane one in the family during these fits I throw, politely responds with a simple, “honey, perhaps you don’t know the full story” or...